My Child at School (MCAS) Launch Letter 02.10.2023
Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to give you further information about our student and parent apps which are being launched this term. The app will be able to share a wide range of information about your child’s progress at school including:
- Achievement points
- Behaviour points
- Attendance (including attendance to individual subjects)
- Independent Study tasks (homework)
- Academic progress reports (coming soon)
- Subjects and class teachers
- Timetable (coming soon)
Student Portal
Students will have access to the following website which they can sign into using their school Microsoft account. There is also a “Student Portal” app which students can download onto their smartphone or tablet. We will communicate with students and parents when this becomes available. For now, students can simply access the Student Portal through their web browser.
My Child At School
You will receive an email invitation to access the website between the 2nd – 6th October. The email will be sent to the email address you used when enrolling your child at the Academy. This will allow you access to see your child’s progress at school. Should you not receive an invite, please contact us at [email protected]
Instructions for registering can be found here MyChildAtSchool_Instructions You can also download the “MyChildAtSchool” app, which is available once you have signed up to the website.
If you have any issues or queries with the app, you can contact us through the following email addresses
Student Help | [email protected] |
Parent Help | [email protected] |
Thank you for your patience whilst we moved to our new provider and familiarised our students with the new system.
Yours Sincerely,
Adrian Esch
Interim Head of School