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Careers Guidance

Throughout your time at Hans Price , we aim to nurture your interests and support you all the way through school and beyond into the World of Work. Our Careers guidance and provision at Hans Price offers a wide range of experiences and opportunities to inform your aspirations for the future.

At Hans Price, we use Unifrog to support our Careers provision for all students. The system is used for all our Careers based sessions and supports tracking and destinations. The system can be accessed both in school and at home, and we promote all students to access the platform regularly to update their encounters with employers and track progress. To do this from home, please follow this link.



We believe that a strong aspirations focus supports our young people to reach their full potential. We are deeply committed to offering a comprehensive and dynamic careers provision for our students throughout their year 7- 11 journey.

At Hans Price we are committed to outstanding careers guidance for all members of our local community. If you as parent or carer would like to access careers guidance, you are welcome to contact Jackie Fielding via email or booking an appointment via phone.

Additionally , if you would like to be involved in our careers provision at Hans Price Academy please contact Jackie Fielding using [email protected] This could be anything from supporting with mock interviews, to offering business breakfast opportunities or assemblies on behalf of either yourself or your employer.

 Autumn Term Spring Term  Summer Term  
7 Introduction on how to use Unifrog to understand your personalities and interests related to job searches and Post 16 options.  What are my dreams and goals, setting goals and challenges, identifying skills that may benefit my future, coping strategies. 

Eco careers fair

Into University Workshops (PP Cohort)  

Unifrog – Identifying employment skills I have developed this year and logging on Unifrog. Reflecting on my targets.  
8 Recap how to use Unifrog, to update your personalities and interests related to job searches and Post 16 options 

Into University Workshops (PP Cohort) 

Understanding my goals and how to achieve them. Identify the careers that interest me and the skills I need to develop and how these can be linked to my goals.  

ECO careers fair. 

Unifrog – Identifying employment skills I have developed this year and logging on Unifrog. Reflecting on my targets. 

Science Fair

9 Recap how to use Unifrog, to understand your personalities and interests related to job searches and Post 16 options 

Into University Workshops (PP Cohort) 

Plan your futures (selected students) 

I can identify my personal strengths, produce a SMART plan and know how to apply it, accepting helpful feedback.  

ECO careers fair  

Raising Aspirations event 

South Bristol Youth Programme 

Learn about what KS4 options are available and what pathways you need to get into specific jobs. Launch work experience programme. 

Careers guidance talks at parents evenings 

10 Life skills – Preparation for work experience to include how to write a cover letter, CV and interviews. Engage in tutor group work experience sessions. 

Attend apprenticeship roadshow.  

Careers guidance talks at parents evenings

Life skills – Engage in work experience placement and be able to reflect on your experiences. Engage in employability workshops and mock interviews. 

Attend ECO careers fair 

Investigate pathways into jobs, including apprenticeships and university routes.  

Engage in taster day opportunities at post-16 provider. 

1-1 careers guidance to begin for PP students. 

11 Using Unifrog to research Post 16 providers, courses and understand which options are best for me. 

 Successfully apply for at least 3 Post 16 providers. 

Engage in 1-1 careers guidance interview and set goals.  

Careers guidance talks at parents evenings 

Post-16 Taster events (minimum of 2 per student) 

Provide support for post-16 applications and interviews. 

Access lunchtime pop-up sessions with post-16 providers. 

Attend weekly Post-16 assembly’s.  

Eco careers fair have meaningful interactions with employers. 

Engage in 1-1 careers guidance interview and set goals.

Transition support for SEND students to post-16. 

All students record top 2 post-16 choices on Unifrog. 

Engage in careers guidance interview 1-1 support.


We are strongly committed to offering our students an ever-evolving careers provision encouraging regular input from local and national employers and educational institutes.

If you would like to be involved in our careers provision at Hans Price Academy please contact Ms Allchurch, our strategic lead for careers using [email protected]

We have numerous “ready to run” ways in which you can be involved including, but not limited to the following opportunities:

  • Monthly business breakfasts
  • Assemblies (whole school or target audience)
  • Mock interviews
  • Involvement with our Summer Careers and Community Fair.
  • Workshops
  • Involvement with our employability day
  • Offering Work Experience placements

Please find below a number of valuable resources to support your careers knowledge.

Hans Price Careers and Open Events Calandar

Exploring Careers Ideas

Labour Market Information

A parents guide to Apprenticeships

The Parents Guide to helping your child know What’s Next

Destination information 2021-22 

Careers Guidance