While we are ambitious for every student at our school to achieve, we also recognise that some children are unable to access their full academic potential without flexible, creative, and individualised support. With this positive and helpful approach, many children discover that they can make rapid progress at Hans Price Academy as our teaching and learning environment is creative, liberating and focused upon success.
The Vice Principal, SENCo, Deputy SENCo and College Leaders, oversee students’ who may need additional support either individually or within the classroom environment. Students with SEND are initially identified through close liaison with the primary schools. Students’ needs are also identified through the initial assessment procedures in Year 7 and by ongoing teacher referral; as well as through lesson observations, data analysis and work scrutinise. The school is also very keen to listen to parents’/carers’ concerns and work in partnership with parents and carers.
The SEN Department will liaise closely with teachers, to ensure that every students individual needs are being met, including the use of resources such as laptops within the classroom, through quality first teaching. Students identified as having SEND needs are fully included within the school by use of additional resources, including staffing and facilities. All teachers are responsible for meeting the needs of all students with SEND (as indicated by the revised Code of Practice).
Additionally, support for students can be arranged through the use of an intervention. All interventions used are chosen on an individual basis and can range from added Literacy and Numeracy support, mentoring, counselling, access arrangements and social and emotional intervention. Students will be assessed on need and the appropriate intervention assigned.
If a student is on the SEND register they will meet a lead TA 3 times a year to update their pupil passport which is how information is shared with teachers, parents will also be contacted by phone or be invited in for a meeting 3 times a year to review their child’s support.
If you are in need of extra support, there are a variety of charities that may be able to offer support. A list of some available is provided below:
Family lives – information and advice for parents/carers of children and young people.
SOS!SEN – independent and confidential telephone helpline for parents and others looking for information on Special Educational Needs.
IPSEA – offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We also provide training on the SEND legal framework to parents and carers, professionals and other organisations.
Education Health and Care Plans in North Somerset – North Somerset have created some easy-to-read guidance on applying for an EHCP
The National Autistic Society – are the UK’s leading charity for people on the autism spectrum and their families. They have been providing support, guidance and advice, services and opportunities to help create a society that works for autistic people
North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) -Local parent carer forum, to support parents & carers with children between the ages of 0-25 that have an emerging need, additional need and/or disability.
If you are concerned about your child’s learning or access to the curriculum then please call the main switchboard on (01934)629307.