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Updated Guidance on Face Coverings

Our ref:  TSE/lti

14th May 2021


Dear Parents/Carers

From May 17, new guidance will come into effect for schools, in line with the Government’s Covid-19 roadmap.

Secondary students will no longer be mandated to wear face coverings in classrooms or communal areas. However, if possible, we would like students to continue to bring a face covering to school as before.  This is because there may be areas of the school in which they may be asked to wear them, especially where it is more difficult to stay apart.

While the government no longer recommends the wearing of face coverings in the classroom, students are encouraged to wear them at any time during the day if they feel more comfortable doing so.

Staff in secondary schools will also no longer be required to wear face coverings in classrooms. Staff and visitors will continue to wear masks outside the classroom in areas where social distancing is not possible (such as corridors and communal areas).

All of our current Health and Safety measures will remain in place from May 17.

We will/You must:

  1. Continue to follow guidance to test and self-isolate if you display symptoms.  If this is the case you must not attend school until you receive a negative PCR test result
  2. Ensure face coverings are worn in recommended circumstances
  3. Clean hands thoroughly and more often than usual
  4. Follow the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
  5. Maintain enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often
  6. Maintain social distancing wherever possible
  7. Maintain the year group bubbles
  8. Occupied spaces will continue to be well ventilated

Thank you for your continued support and as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the Academy on 01934 629307.

Yours sincerely

Tony Searle
