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New Absence Reporting Procedure

Dear Parent / Carer

Firstly, I wanted to say thank you for supporting with such a positive start to the academic year.

Attendance always has been and remains a priority at Hans Price Academy. There is a direct correlation between the students in our recent Year 11 cohort who had good attendance (< 8 Days absent) and receiving their target grades or higher.

We monitor student absence very closely and have recently made some changes to our Attendance Policy . Communication between parents and school remains crucial, and with this in mind, please refer to the Policy to ensure you are familiar with the new absence reporting process.

The main changes are summarised below:

If your child is unwell, we require you to phone through to our attendance team before 8:30am (01934 629307).  Failing to speak with someone over the phone, without a justified reason will result in an unauthorised absence – code O.

If your child is absent (unauthorised) for a total of 10 sessions, the school may consider legal action. The school day is marked via an AM and PM mark, so please do endeavour to get your child to school as soon as possible.

Text and email notifications will no longer be recorded as authorised: we do need you to ring school please.

Failing to report an absence may result in the school contacting you via phone or home visit.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Mr S Drew

Assistant Principal