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Home Testing Letter 14.03.21

Our ref:  LTI

12th March 2021


Dear Parent/Carer

The Government has recently announced that all secondary aged students will be given COVID-19 tests to take at home following their initial three tests in school. This testing process is really important as some people with COVID-19 do not have symptoms and so can spread the virus without knowing.

We understand that each child has individual needs and whilst many children will adapt to testing becoming part of their routine, others will find it more challenging. We hope that the option to take the test in the morning or the evening will support families to test at home. Students should test twice a week and if testing in the morning, Mondays and Thursdays are best.  If they prefer to test in the evening, Sundays and Wednesdays work well.  The result of the test should be read after 30 minutes.

Test kits containing three tests will be given to students at school, along with a leaflet on how to take the test and report the result. They will be given a demonstration at school on how to process the test and we have also recorded an instructional video to remind your child of the process https://youtu.be/Lagt5NIFYHc

The result of each test needs to be reported using the NHS Test & Trace self-report website: https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result. Students will also need to tell the school the result of each test by completing this very short online form Student Covid Result

If a student has a positive test result, please contact the Academy as soon as possible.  You would need to book a PCR (lab test) and if the positive result is confirmed, the family are required by law to self-isolate for 10 days.

If the result of the test is unclear (void), students will need to do another one.

Thank you for your support with this process and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes


Liz Tincknell


Mrs L Tincknell

Senior Operations Manager and Covid Coordinator

Hans Price Academy