End of Term Letter July 2021
Dear Parent/Carers
Who could have imagined this time last year that we would be facing another year of lockdown and disruption but, my goodness, how amazing our staff, students and families have been in dealing with these conditions.
I cannot thank you enough for your support in encouraging your children to complete their online learning at home and to continue using their home testing kits in our efforts to keep both our school community and the wider community safe. Since our return in March, our students have really impressed us with how quickly they have settled back into their learning, and this was noted in a recent visit from our colleagues in the Cabot Learning Federation Senior Leadership Team.
Working within the constraints of our thorough and robust Covid Risk Assessment, I am pleased to confirm that we have still been able to hold Sports Day and our annual Swimming Gala, although sadly this year, we could not have spectators. Photos have been shared on our social media sites so you can see some images of the day.
We were delighted to be able to welcome our Year 11’s back for their leavers assembly and to take part in the tradition of shirt signing! We are further delighted that restrictions will be lifted on the date indicated by the Government which will ensure their Prom can take place.
Year 6 transition has also happened, albeit on a smaller scale than we would have liked. It has been lovely to meet our Year 6 students and welcome them to the Academy. Year 6 Parents should have received a letter about the CLF Big Summer of Fun with a link to secure your child a place. This is a week-long event, from 23rd – 27th August and is another opportunity for our Year 6 students to spend some time at their Academy taking part in sessions such as archery, dancing, science and sport as well as some reading sessions with Hans Price staff. Further information will be shared soon.
Term 6 will end at lunchtime (12:45pm) on Wednesday, 21st July. Students wishing to buy food on that day must do so at breaktime.
We will be in touch again regarding the return to the Academy when we will once again be mass testing all students twice, 3-5 days apart. Testing kits will then be given out and the current guidance suggests that home testing is encouraged until the end of September, at which point the Government will review and advise further.
I wish you all a safe, restful summer break.
Yours sincerely
Tony Searle