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Year 11 Taster Days

Dear Parent/Carer

Over the coming weeks, we have two Post-16 taster experiences for our Year 11 students. I enclose details of both visits below. Please do take a moment to read through the logistics for both trips including specific travel arrangements which differ.

Winterstoke Hundred Taster Sessions – Thursday 10th November 2022

On Thursday 10th November, Year 11 have the exciting opportunity to visit Winterstoke Hundred Academy as part of our Post-16 readiness offer. The trip is a compulsory part of our provision, and all students will be expected to attend as part of their school day.

The Winterstoke Taster will be split into two sessions with students divided by Maths class to avoid disrupting numerous lessons in the day. Session 1 will leave HPA at Learning Family time and return at the start of lunch. Session 2 will leave HPA at the end of lunch and return during P7. Travel for both cohorts will be between HPA minibus and hired coach to and from Winterstoke Hundred. For students in session 2, they may choose to leave directly from WHA instead of being brought back to HPA which can be decided on the day by the students.

During the taster, students will experience a carousel of activities from WHA as well as a Principal’s talk and a tour. They will be accompanied by HPA and WHA staff and be under direct supervision in these times. As this event is for part of the school day, students will remain in their full HPA uniform and as always, Ready to Learn will be in effect. A split of the groups can be seen below:

Group 1: LFT – lunch: Ma1 (MMI), Ma2 (DPL) and Ma5 (SBI)

Group 2: P5– P7: Ma3 (DLA), Ma4 (GDA), Ma6 (KBO) and Ma7 (GBA)

Weston College Taster Day – Wednesday 23rd November 2022

I am pleased to inform you that your child also has the opportunity to attend a Taster Day at Weston College. This trip is a compulsory part of our careers curriculum, and all students are expected to attend as they would a normal school day. The day will support your child’s decisions about the direction they would like to take after they leave Hans Price Academy.

The Taster Day will take place on Wednesday 23rd November and will give students the opportunity to find out about courses available to them. The students will be supervised by Weston College staff on the day but there will be Hans Price Academy staff on each site during their visit. As always, we uphold the highest standards of expectations and Ready to Learn will be always in full effect.

Students have made individual choices about their path for the day, which will determine which campus they should arrive at by 9am. Students will make their own way to their chosen campus. A confirmation of this can be found in their emails from Weston College. An exception is for students who have chosen Animal Management at Puxton Park who need to arrive at Knightstone Campus at 9am, where they will be taken by Weston College minibus accompanied by HPA staff and subsequently returned to Knightstone at 2.30pm before being dismissed with the rest of Year 11 at 3pm.

Due to the variety of vocational activities that will be completed on the day, students can wear their own clothes for the day, appropriate for the activities they will be undertaking.

Students are required to bring a packed lunch as there will be limited access to the site’s canteens. Any students entitled to free school meals will be able to collect these from Hans Price staff during the day at their chosen campus.

General information

As these two events are a compulsory part of our school day, we are not requesting permission for the trip, but if you do need to update any medical conditions or contact details, please complete the attached form and return to the school reception as soon as possible.

If you would not be happy for your child to make their own way from Winterstoke then please contact me directly by Wednesday 9 November and we will bring them back to HPA on the bus.

If you feel your child is unable to get to and from their chosen venue for Weston College safely, please contact me directly by 16 November so we can support.

If you have any queries related to either event, please contact Miss Angell using [email protected]. For any Post-16 queries including the application process, please contact Mrs Fielding using [email protected]

Yours sincerely,

Miss Sian Angell

Raising Standards Leader for Year 11